Referendum 2018

20181029 NDG referendum poster


Support our Neighbourhood Plan for Hackbridge and Beddington Corner

Vote at the local referendum on 29 November 2018


We have worked hard since 2012 writing our neighbourhood plan for Hackbridge and Beddington Corner (in between responding to many planning applications).

We have consulted on our neighbourhood plan at various stages over the years and have listened to your comments and made amendments.  Now our plan is ready to be voted on by our local community, who get the final say on whether it should be approved!


Frequently asked questions

Who are the NDG?

  • The Hackbridge and Beddington Corner Neighbourhood Development Group was established in November 2011 and formally designated under the Localism Act 2011 as a neighbourhood forum in September 2012.
  • The group are volunteers and include local residents, business and other local interest groups and organisations.
  • Read our Press Release.

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

  • It is a community prepared policy framework for guiding future development in the local area.
  • If adopted, it would sit under Sutton’s Local Plan, which sits under the London Plan.

What does the Plan include?

  • In brief, policies on various matters, including: housing, the built environment, local economy, environment, energy, waste, water, movement and community infrastructure.

What does voting mean?

  • If more than 50% of those voting in the local referendum vote YES, the neighbourhood plan will become part of Sutton’s statutory development plan and will be used alongside the Sutton Council’s own planning documents and the Mayor’s London Plan in determining planning applications in our neighbourhood boundary.
  • If more than 50% vote NO, the plan does not get adopted.

How will it be used in planning decisions?

  • Planning applications within our neighbourhood boundary would have to be determined in line with the development plan, which includes the Hackbridge and Beddington Corner Neighbourhood Plan, Sutton Local Plan and the London Plan.

How to vote

  • Sutton Council’s Formal notice of referendum
  • To vote is the same process as any election.  Those residents within our neighbourhood boundary will receive a poll card from Sutton Council.  If you are a postal voter, you can still vote this way.
  • The Polling Station for everyone within the neighbourhood boundary is All Saints Community Centre|New Road|Mitcham Junction|CR4 4JN which will be open from 7am to 10pm on 29 November 2018.

Your vote matters to us – please use it

Plan front cover